Eric Olson

Recent Posts

Love Methods Week: William Shakespeare Advocates for Preregistration of Research
It’s Love Methods Week, and there is an abundance of love to go around. Our friends across research communities and infrastructure have much to share this week and we are thrilled...
Tags: Preregistration, Love Methods Week
New OSF Search Features for Rapid Research Findability and Sharing
With increasing requirements for open sharing of research outputs from funders, governments, and research communities, comes the need to ensure searching and indexing of research...
Tags: Research, OSF, Open Science
New Frontiers for Files on OSF
Publishers, funders, and institutions are overwhelmingly pursuing FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse) standards, enabling shared content to be findable,...
Tags: OSF, Open Science
Preregistration: A Plan for Communities, Not a Prison for Researchers
Preregistration is the process of specifying key study and analysis details and decisions before conducting the experiment. The main goal of preregistering one’s research is to...
Tags: Transparency, Preregistration, Community, Culture Change, OSF Registries