Posts tagged with 'osf'

Researcher Q&A: A Conversation About Research on the Influence of Public Libraries on Community Well Being
Margo Gustina is a PhD candidate at the University of New Mexico Department of Economics and a Bowden Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin iSchool. Their research includes...
Tags: Research, OSF, Open Science
Researcher Q&A: A Conversation About Research on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples and Making a Hard-to-Reach Population Visible
Ji-Ping Lin, PhD, is a researcher at Academia Sinica in Taiwan who created an open access dataset to facilitate research and understanding of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples. In this...
Tags: Research, OSF, Open Science
OSF Add-ons Expand to Include Cloud Computing with Boa
A key priority of the OSF is to build toward research communities, making many of their open practices possible and easier. This includes integrating tools that they already use,...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Add-ons
Who’s at the Center? A Profile of Two COS Team Members
Every weekday at the Center for Open Science (COS), 47 talented individuals work hard in different ways to help improve the tools, methods, processes, and incentives involved in...
Tags: Research, OSF, Open Science
The Ongoing Transformation Podcast Features the Evolution of Open Science
This week, The Ongoing Transformation podcast from Issues in Science and Technology showcased the Center for Open Science (COS), featuring an insightful conversation with...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Podcast
New OSF Search Features for Rapid Research Findability and Sharing
With increasing requirements for open sharing of research outputs from funders, governments, and research communities, comes the need to ensure searching and indexing of research...
Tags: Research, OSF, Open Science
OSF Adds New Metadata Features to Meet Desirable Characteristics for Federally Funded Research
Last year we did a self-assessment of the OSF as part of the NIH’s Generalist Repositories Ecosystem Initiative (GREI), based on the desirable characteristics for data...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Metadata
New OSF Metadata to Support Data Sharing Policy Compliance
One of the most important features of OSF is something you may not even be aware of, yet you use it all the time: Metadata. All OSF Projects, Registrations, and Preprints come...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Metadata
Badges for Open Research Practices Now Available on OSF Registrations
Changing the research culture to more open, transparent, and reproducible practices is a collective action movement across the entire research system. In a coordinated systematic...
Tags: OSF, Open Science, Registrations, Badges, Compliance, Open Code, Open Materials
Surpassing 100,000 Registrations on OSF: Strides in Adoption of Open and Reproducible Research
The growth in the global open science research community shows no signs of slowing down. Examples of openness and improved rigor are everywhere. One example of that growth is the...
Tags: Preregistration, OSF, Open Science, Registrations