Nicole Pfeiffer, Claire Riss

Recent Posts

Improving research rigor just got quicker
This week OSF added a new workflow to start a registration without needing an existing OSF project, making the registration process quick and easy to get started. The new...
Tags: Preregistration, OSF, OSF Registries, Registration
OSF 2020 Community Milestones, and Looking Ahead
In 2020, OSF users collectively created over 20,000 new registrations, made nearly 2 million files publicly available, and shared more than 24,000 preprints. Research consumers...
Branded Registries: Empowering communities to improve research rigor
Our aim at COS is to change research culture by empowering communities of practice with the tools they need to improve scientific rigor in their fields. Now with our latest...
Tags: Preregistration, Registrations, OSF Registries
OSF Collections: What, Why, How
The COS team is excited to announce the launch ofOSF Collections, a place for journals, funders, societies, and research communities that need an archival or active repository...
Tags: research collection, Funders, Journals, discoverability, OSF Collections, Societies, reusability
Now you can endorse papers on OSF Preprints with Plaudit
We just integrated Plaudit across OSF preprint servers, now allowing researchers to openly endorse papers they find valuable. Why bring personal recommendations to research?...
Tags: Plaudit, OSF Preprints, publishing, Flockademic, eLIFE, preprints
New OSF Registries Enhancements Improve Efficiency and Quality of Registrations
We’re excited to announce new user improvements to OSF Registries, a scholarly repository designed to facilitate transparency and rigor in research. With OSF Registries, you can...
Tags: Technology, Registrations, OSF Registries