Watch Sessions from the 2023 Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices for Education Research

April 14th, 2023,
Blue/green background with text: Unconference 2023 Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research

UOSPER quoteWe’re proud of this year’s Unconference on Open Scholarship Practices for Education Research (UOSPER), which brought together over 400 registrants from 53 countries to discuss open scholarship through a collection of workshops, lightning talks, and unconference sessions. We also saw some on-the-fly programming!

Like last year, the 2023 UOSPER bridged the needs of newcomers to open science who were looking for educational content and researchers who have practiced open science behaviors for years and sought to expand their engagement with link-minded peers. Attendee feedback was positive; attendees shared they learned more about using open research practices and felt the conference met their expectations.

Recorded sessions are now available online.

What's next?

If you would like to keep up with what's happening within education research, keep an eye on our events page, which features a number of events and webinars that may be of interest! There are two webinars that we feel will be of particular interest to education researchers and those in related fields:

We hope to see you there! If you have suggestions for other webinars, please let us know at

Another way to stay in conversation with those from the conference would be to join the Federation for Education Hubs listserv. Education researchers (and those in related fields) from around the world are joining this listserv to ask questions and share resources, including other opportunities for in person and virtual meetings.


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  2. Make sure to leave the subject line blank
  3. Then type: SUBSCRIBE OPENSCIEDU-L First Name Last Name

If you have any issues with joining the listserv, please contact Betsy McCoach at

Thank you so much for your time and effort to bring open science conversations to education research! We hope to see you around the listserv and at other COS events. 

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