Huajin Wang

Huajin Wang

Director of Programs

Huajin Wang is the Director of Programs at the Center for Open Science. She oversees the development and implementation of training, education, and consulting services, to help a wide range of research communities engage in open and reproducible research practices across the research lifecycle. Her work helps to make the process of open and reproducible research easy and rewarding by co-constructing solutions with various stakeholders in the research ecosystem. Before joining COS, she was a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, with a research focus on open science methodology and assessments and secondary reuse of biomedical data. She was also a director of the Open Science & Data Collaborations Program.

Huajin completed her PhD in Cell Biology at University of Alberta and postdoctoral research at Yale/Harvard, where she worked with complex, multimodal data on lipid metabolism and membrane trafficking.