Deep Dives into Open Scholarship Best Practices in Education Research

2022 Unconference on
Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research

Sara Hart

Data Sharing

This deep dive covers the benefits of data sharing as well as the “how to” of how to prepare data for sharing. Participants are provided information about data sharing and resources to support their own data sharing.

Matt Makel

Understanding Replication in Education Research

In this deep dive, we will introduce the purpose of replication, different conceptions of replication, and some models for implementation in education. Relevant terms, methods, publication possibilities, and existing funding mechanisms will be reviewed. Frequently asked questions and potential answers will be shared. Attendees will be connected with existing resources, tools, and examples. Finally, the session will leave time at the end for questions and discussion. View slides.

Bryan Cook and Stacy Shaw

Preprints and Open Access

Watch this deep dive as it provides an introduction to preprints with a focus on their contributions and limitations in the context of current models of scholarly publishing. It discussing various "levels" of open access publishing (Gold, Bronze, and Green), and how the use of preprints can supplement some of the limitations of these common open access publishing models.

 Scott Peters and Karen Rambo-Hernandez


This deep dive introduces the basics of preregistration: a method for creating a permanent record of a research plan prior to conducting data collection and/or data analysis and discuss the conceptual similarities and practical differences between preregistration and registered reports and traditional approaches to educational research.

Betsy McCoach and Amanda Montoya

Registered Reports

This deep dive discusses the basics of registered reports, benefits and limitations of registered reports, and which journals in education accept registered reports, providing some practical advice on deciding which projects are appropriate for registered reports, implementing registered reports, and time management throughout the process. Additionally, it showcases how special cases can be implemented as registered reports, such as secondary data analysis, replications, meta-analyses, and longitudinal studies. View slides.

2021 Unconference on
Open Scholarship Practices in Education Research

Data, Materials, and Code Transparency

Data, Materials, and Code Transparency

View a deep dive session discussing how transparency with data, materials, and code is beneficial for educational research and education researchers. These points are illustrated by sharing experiences with transparency that were crucial to research success. Additionally, tips and tricks are provided for planning a new research project with transparency in mind, including attention to potential pitfalls, and also adapting materials from previous projects to share. View slides.

Preregistration and Registered Reports

Preregistration and Registered Reports

This deep dive session introduces the basics of preregistration and Registered Reports: two methods for creating a permanent record of a research plan prior to conducting data collection. Speakers discuss conceptual similarities and practical differences between pre-registration and registered reports, and provide practical advice from experiences using these practices in research labs. Finally, it ends with questions and discussion about adopting these practices and unique considerations for implementing these practices in education research. View slides.

Preprints and OA

Preprints and OA

View a deep dive into the current model of scholarly publishing that highlights the challenges and limitations of this model of research dissemination. This deep dive also focuses on the value of open access and elaborates on different open access levels (Gold, Bronze, and Green), before discussing how preprints/postprints may be leveraged to promote open access. View slides.

Collaboration and Replication

Collaboration and Replication

View a deep dive session on replications and large-scale collaborations that introduces a glossary of relevant terms, the problems these initiatives address, and some tools to get started. This discussion starts with content knowledge transfer and then transitions to an interactive Q&A with audience members. View slides.