COS News

Center for Open Science and EdArXiv Launch Branded Preprint Service for Education Research

Written by Center for Open Science | Aug 19, 2019 12:05:00 PM

Charlottesville, VA

The Center for Open Science is pleased to partner with open access proponents and community leaders in education to launch EdArXiv. Developed and managed by a group of education researchers in collaboration with the Center for Open Science, EdArXiv provides open access to education research for all digital research consumers. 

Preprints increase the visibility of research, make scholarship immediately available, allow for feedback prior to journal submission, are associated with increased citations, and receive a permanent DOI – making them part of the permanent scientific record. However, until now the education research community has not had a preprint server devoted specifically to education research. 

“Education is a multidisciplinary field spanning many topics of interests and methods of inquiry. By adding EdArXiv to the suite of topic specific preprint services hosted on the Open Science Framework (e.g., PsyArXiv, SocArxiv, MarXiv), we're fostering community among education researchers, while generating discoverable content across all preprint services. The Open Science Framework allows researchers to search across discipline specific services, and adding EdArXiv to the mix increases the representation, discoverability, and accessibility of scholarly work by education researchers." Amanda Montoya, Assistant Professor, UCLA

“EdArXiv has great potential to make education research more accessible to a more diverse readership.” Matt Makel, Director of Research and Evaluation at the Duke University Talent Identification Program

“The future of educational research is open. EdArXiv is an exciting preprint service that increases the efficiency of disseminating findings. Additionally, it expands access to research findings beyond the traditional pay-for-access journal platform. EdArXiv is a promising tool for researchers to use to ensure that findings on evidence-based practices are easily accessible to practitioners in the field.” Chris Lemons, Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University

“Researchers in many fields are using preprint servers to make their work openly accessible to everyone with internet access, including practitioners and policy makers. But, until now, the education community has not had a preprint server for posting and freely accessing research. We’re excited to provide a forum for opening access to education research by hosting EdArXiv on the Open Science Framework.” Bryan Cook, Professor, University of Virginia

EdArXiv is the 27th community preprint service built on COS’s flagship platform, OSF, which helps researchers design and manage their project workflow, store their data, generate DOIs, and collaborate with colleagues. COS has leveraged the platform to help research communities across disciplines discover new research as it happens and to receive quick feedback on their own research prior to publication. COS’s preprints platform provides an easy, robust, and stable solution for organizations that want to launch their own preprints service. COS is currently supporting branded services in marine and earth sciences, psychology, social sciences, engineering, agriculture, imaging, paleontology, sports research, contemplative research, law, library and information science, nutrition, as well as national, multidisciplinary services in Indonesia, France, the Arab nations, and Africa.

About the Center for Open Science

The Center for Open Science (COS) is a non-profit technology and culture change organization founded in 2013 with a mission to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research. COS pursues this mission by building communities around open science practices, supporting metascience research, and developing and maintaining free, open source software tools. The OSF is a web application that provides a solution for the challenges facing researchers who want to pursue open science practices, including: a streamlined ability to manage their work; collaborate with others; discover and be discovered; preregister their studies; and make their code, materials, and data openly accessible. Learn more at and

Contact for the Center for Open Science

Media: Claire Riss

Starting a Branded Preprint Service: Kevin Schroeder 


Twitter: @osframework

Contact for EdArXiv

All inquiries: Amanda Montoya


Twitter: @EdArXiv